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Intelligent Systems Engineering
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Associate Instructor, Indiana University
B.S Intelligent Systems Engineering
May 2027
My name is Edred Azziz, and I am a sophomore studying Intelligent Systems Engineering at Indiana University.
I have a strong interest with intelligent systems and its potential to change the world through prediction-based models.
My projects showcase my dedication to learning outside the classroom, while leveraging skills from my studies to create solutions that tackle real-world challenges.
On this website, you’ll find insights into my projects, experiences, and my journey in engineering and technology.
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My Personal Beliefs
As I’ve grown as not only an engineer, but as a person, I’ve grown to appreciate the struggle. From the struggle in everyday life. To the struggle in a block of code not running. To the struggle in a hard workout. To struggling with uncertainty about the future. Struggle. I think that I’ll always make an attempt to solve whatever task it at hand, but sometimes the struggle really sucks. & that can be really overwhelming. In those frustration moments, I think that I’ve done a good job of teaching myself to appreciate. To appreciate the experience! Recognizing that each challenge teaches me something valuable, even when it feels like a setback. I try to find growth in every misstep, and I learn to appreciate the journey, including the difficult parts.
I think that engineering as a whole embodies my passion for problem-solving. It allows me to channel my curiosity & love for problem-solving into finding an outcome. While the journey can be challenging, each challenge provides a chance to deepen my understanding and skills. And even though sometimes the challenges can be really difficult! They can sometimes become frustrating & discouraging, I always try to appreciate the engineering process as a whole, rather than becoming too narrowly focused on struggle in the moment.
I’m excited about the journey ahead, embracing the ups and downs along the way. I know that every struggle is an opportunity to learn and evolve. Through this lens, I see engineering as more than a career, but as a means to express myself, grow, and better understand who I am.
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